If you're among Florida parents who have recently divorced, you're likely still adapting to your new lifestyle. You and your ex were hopefully able to achieve a fair settlement that you both found satisfactory and developed a co-parenting plan. Many parents, however,...
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Month: April 2019
Man arrested for shooting at mother and kids in car
Many in Tavares may suffering through abusive relationships where the one's causing their suffering are their own spouses. Oftentimes, these victims of abuse choose to remain in their bad situations out of feelings they may have for their abusers and the hope that...
Creating a practical parenting plan
For many Florida couples, deciding to divorce is the start of a long road filled with decisions, debates and compromises. Whether your split is amicable or contentious, creating and agreeing on a parenting plan can be frustrating and heart-wrenching. At [nap_names...