Alimony, or “spousal support,” is designed to level out of some of the inequities that can occur when a couple gets a divorce and one spouse has been financially dependent on the other during their marriage. If you’re in that position, it’s smart to learn more about...
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Year: 2020
Here are 3 tips for discussing divorce with your children
When you decide to get a divorce or are approached by your spouse with divorce papers, your first thought may be that you want to protect your children. You may not know how to let them know that their family is going to be changing or that you and their other parent...
If you value your privacy, you may need divorce mediation
During the process of getting divorced, you may have to share some very personal or embarrassing information with the Florida courts. Everything from private health struggles to infidelity can impact your marriage and be a necessary part of your divorce proceedings....
Your spouse’s spending and fighting for a fair divorce outcome
Many people going through divorce feel concerned that they will receive an unfair outcome. There are many stories floating around on the internet and in popular culture of people whose lives seem to have spiraled out of control during and after a divorce. Unfair...
Can you get a prenup thrown out?
Your spouse tells you that they want a divorce, and they’re already holding a copy of the prenup that you signed when you got married. You’d forgotten that you even signed it, but they tell you that it takes care of a lot of the legal aspects of the divorce. Reading...
Here’s why seeking sole custody may not really be a good idea
When parents divorce, they’re usually pretty concerned about the custody of their children -- and a lot of parents start the divorce process wanting sole custody. There are several reasons why this may not be the best idea. Consider the following: You may be acting...
Keeping children’s routines after divorce
For children, even when the divorce is a benefit for their lives overall -- their parents are happier not being married, for instance, keeping the children from a high-conflict living situation -- it can still be emotionally difficult to adjust. Parents need to be...
Newly Single? Watch for These Tax Filing Mistakes
It took months, but you and your ex have finally filed your divorce papers. You have your own place and you are ready to put this stress behind you and move forward. One final task remains, however — your taxes. Newly divorced couples sometimes overlook the changes to...
Why do people decide to divorce?
There is no single answer to the question of why individuals decide to divorce their spouses. In Tavares and throughout Florida, couples that divorce base their decisions on factors as unique as their relationships. However, causes for divorce can be generally grouped...
Divorce and social media
Divorce can be a complicated matter, and the stakes can be especially high. With that in mind, you want to do everything you can to protect your interests, as well as your children's wellbeing. This means that you need to gather as much evidence as you can to support...